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    The Callfilter.app Team

Recent content by admin

  1. admin

    Bloquear um número

    Hello Luaana, Please write down your question
  2. admin

    Premium subscription not activated

    Hi Bruno, I apologize for the situation. I see that google servers did not forward the purchase data to us in time. I've fixed it, please check it out.
  3. admin

    Voice mail

    Hi Ali, There is no way for the app to interact with voicemail. And even more so, it can't change its settings. That's really weird. Try turning off the service and re-enabling it
  4. admin

    how to delete a phone number which was added by mistake?

    Hi @ConnieM, Sorry for the long wait for a response. My coworkers have already removed the review.
  5. admin

    CallFilter.app 1.22.4 Is Released

    Hi @hdslima14 , We already have this functionality in our app. Instructions: 1. Enable Use wildcards in the settings. 2. Add records of the following type to the blacklist: +55923090* +1899* And so on. The beginning of the number in international format, any number of digits. All numbers...
  6. admin

    Décrochage appel

    C'est votre choix, je ne peux pas le juger et je ne le ferai pas. Je vous souhaite bonne chance !
  7. admin

    Décrochage appel

    Je ne peux que supposer qu'il y a un de ces problèmes : 1. L'application Téléphone a été privée des autorisations nécessaires pour afficher un appel entrant. 2. Une application bloque l'application Téléphone (mais ce n'est certainement pas Callfilter.app). Essayez de supprimer toutes les...
  8. admin


    Could you please clarify which favorites list we are talking about?
  9. admin

    Décrochage appel

    Pourriez-vous faire une capture d'écran ?
  10. admin

    USA_Spam_Codes: Block all calls from new area codes and certain prefixes used frequently by robocallers

    Sure! You left an extra space in the CODE tag: I fixed it
  11. admin

    KS_MO: Block all calls except those from the states of KS and MO

    You can set all calls from other countries to be blocked. Here is a link to the list: https://forum.callfilter.app/threads/usonly-block-all-non-us-calls.3/
  12. admin

    Ripetizioni chiamate

    Salve, si prega di provare a reinstallare l'applicazione, Provi a reinstallare l'applicazione. Disinstallare e reinstallare, quindi eseguire la configurazione iniziale. Penso che questo dovrebbe aiutare. -------------------- Hello, Please try to reinstall the app. Uninstall and reinstall, then...
  13. admin

    KS_MO: Block all calls except those from the states of KS and MO

    I fixed the format, now the list works. There should be no spaces in the [code ] tag.
  14. admin

    MyBlacklist: this is a collection of common UK phone codes that spam calls come from.

    If you don't live in GB, just block the +44 code completely. Ask if necessary and I will help you do it.