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    The Callfilter.app Team

Search results

  1. admin

    Span Anruf

    Hallo, bitte präzisieren Sie, was genau Sie tun möchten. Diese Cloud-Liste: https://forum.callfilter.app/threads/deutschland-block-all-international-incoming-calls.26/ blockiert bereits Anrufe aus allen Ländern außer Deutschland. Ich würde Ihnen gerne helfen, aber ich verstehe nicht, was Sie...
  2. admin

    Changed my phone device and can't recover my Premium account

    Hi @xFirelink , Sign in to the same Google Account on your new phone that you used on your old phone. This will automatically activate your subscription on the new phone. If this doesn't work, please send me a private message with your purchase number and app ID. I will activate it manually.
  3. admin

    Use your subscription or it will be cancelled

    Hello! This is very strange. I found your subscription and I see that there is nothing wrong with it, no problems. Could you please send me a screenshot of the message that Google is showing you?
  4. admin

    Status "No protection!"

    Розкажіть, будь ласка, про це докладніше. Які дії ви зробили, які повідомлення про помилки побачили? -------------- Please tell me more about it. What actions did you take, what error messages did you see?
  5. admin

    How can I block an entire area code?

    Hi @sparkymark! This is not difficult to do: 1. Enable Use wildcards in the settings 2. Add an entry to the blacklist: +1574* (+1 - international phone area code)
  6. admin

    Création joker cloud

    Bonjour, voici les instructions détaillées : https://forum.callfilter.app/threads/how-to-create-your-own-cloud-wildcards-list.14/ Si vous ne réussissez pas, je vous aiderai.
  7. admin

    Créer une liste noire des numéros bloqués ?

    Bonjour, Vous pouvez procéder de différentes manières. Si le nombre de règles de blocage est faible, le plus simple est de créer une liste noire personnelle. Voici les instructions : 1. Activez l'option Utiliser des jokers dans les paramètres. 2. Ajoutez des entrées du type suivant à la liste...
  8. admin

    Пропал русский язык.

    Наше приложение поддерживает множество языков, включая русский. Если у вас пропали все языки в приложении, кроме английского, это означает, что вы обновили Callfilter.app из стороннего магазина приложений, а не из Google Play. Некоторые сторонние маркеты приложений, например Xiaomi, крадут...
  9. admin

    Blocage des numéros personnels

    Bonjour, Oui, bien sûr, c'est possible. Vous devez activer l'option « Ignorer les contacts » dans l'application. Après cela, notre application ignorera les numéros dans les contacts de l'utilisateur sans les vérifier.
  10. admin


    Please stop threatening us or your posts will be deleted and you will be banned from the forum. All removal requests are processed in the general queue and you have no control over this.
  11. admin

    Status "No protection!"

    Добридень, Олено! Чи слідували ви інструкціям розробника (вище)? Якщо необхідно перекласти її українською, дайте мені знати. -------------- Hi Olena! Did you follow the developer's instructions (above)? If it is necessary to translate it into Ukrainian, let me know.
  12. admin


    Please send a removal request to info@callfilter.app. Please note that removal requests may take a long time to process due to the heavy workload of our staff.
  13. admin

    Block_nv: blocks all calls from area codes 702, 725 and 775

    List Name: Block_nv This wildcard list blocks all calls from area codes 702, 725 and 775 Block_nv More info: https://forum.callfilter.app/threads/instructions-for-using-cloud-wildcards.2/ https://forum.callfilter.app/threads/requests-to-create-wildcard-lists-free.15/...
  14. admin

    CallFilter.app 1.22.4 Is Released

    Release notes: 1. New high quality French localization 2. Catalog of cloud wildcards lists with convenient search added. Now you can select and install cloud wildcards lists without visiting the forum.
  15. admin

    spam_legal_plus: Spam legal et un peu plus

    Hello, Thread had the wrong title The correct format is Title: Description I've fixed it and now the list works.
  16. admin

    area_959: block area code 959

    I've fixed the formatting in your post. You can now use a black list named area_959
  17. admin

    New Feature: Quick Setup of Cloud Wildcards Lists

    It has been three months since the launch of Cloud Wildcards, and during that time, this feature has gained remarkable popularity. Tens of thousands of users have already utilized this free and highly effective feature, and their numbers are growing rapidly. However, we have noticed that the...
  18. admin

    How to create your own Cloud Wildcards list

    Update: Added BB code information: ----------------- Quick list install link: So that users don't have to manually type in the list name, you can add an auto-install link to the list description. Clicking the link will open CallFilter.app, navigate to the Cloud Wildcards settings page...
  19. admin

    Cloud list quick setup doesn't work

    Please make sure you are using a newer version of CallFilter.app (1.22.* and later). Older versions do not support QR codes.
  20. admin

    API Question

    Please send your request to info@callfilter.app and specify in it: 1. For which tasks you plan to use the API 2. How many requests per day (minute, hour) you plan to fulfill.