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    We're always happy to help!

    The Callfilter.app Team

Search results

  1. admin

    MyBlacklist: this is a collection of common UK phone codes that spam calls come from.

    If you don't live in GB, just block the +44 code completely. Ask if necessary and I will help you do it.
  2. admin

    How can I block an entire area code?

    @franck, As far as I know, the function of setting check priorities is on the developers' todo list. Implementation of such functionality is planned closer to the middle of this year. I hope it will make your experience with our app better :)
  3. admin

    Liste_de_Helene: Blocage n° plates-formes de démarchage FRANCE, identifiés par les 4 premiers chiffres

    Bonjour, Oui, j'ai aussi remarqué qu'ils se ressemblent :) Mais nous n'interdisons pas les doublons, chacun est libre de faire ce qu'il veut.
  4. admin

    Requests to create wildcard lists (free)

    Here you go! https://forum.callfilter.app/threads/block_877_812-block-area-codes-877-and-812.165/
  5. admin

    Block_877_812: Block area codes 877 and 812

    +1877* +1812* Block_877_812
  6. admin

    Blocking Numbers

    Hi @JoeB, When you block a number, you add it to the community database. And that number can be blocked for all users of the app. It is better to add spam numbers to the community database. If you add a number to your personal blacklist, you block it only for yourself. Such number will not be...
  7. admin

    How can I block an entire area code?

    Hi @franck, Local blacklist and whitelist are prioritized higher than contacts. Therefore, any number that is blacklisted will be blocked. Please describe the configuration you want to apply in the app. And I will try to help you to create it.
  8. admin

    Request for Removal of Incorrect Spam/Telemarketing Classification - 3761135658

    Hi @Aurora pompei , Please send us a removal request to info@callfilter.app. My colleagues will definitely help you. During busy periods it may take a few days. I apologize if this happens.
  9. admin

    only_AB_plus_587: Block all calls except Alberta + block code 587

    Hi @mayhem , Am I understanding correctly that you need a modified Alberta list? Block everything except calls from Alberta, and additionally block the 587 phone code? I see that you made a proper list, but did not format your forum thread properly. I will fix your topic now and your list will...
  10. admin

    Ripetizioni chiamate

    What model of phone do you have? This is important because some phone models have peculiarities.
  11. admin

    Ripetizioni chiamate

    I moved the topic to the Customer Support forum. Specify what phone model and Android version you have?
  12. admin

    How can I block an entire area code?

    Our app only blocks phone calls, it does not block text messages. Which text messaging app do you use? I have Google Messages and it sends all such messages to spam.
  13. admin

    How can I block an entire area code?

    So it's text messages, not calls
  14. admin

    Huawei p40 pro

    Hi @Manius , Unfortunately we don't have an automatic payment method other than Google Play yet. But we can process such a purchase manually. If you are satisfied with this option, please write me a private message.
  15. admin

    How can I block an entire area code?

    Please send me a screenshot from the Recent Calls tab and a screenshot from the blacklist settings. I will try to find the error and understand what is not working correctly.
  16. admin

    Feature request : Export call list

    Hello @Pliskin , I have passed this suggestion to the developers, they will discuss it within the team at the next meeting.
  17. admin

    Vague de 06 82 24 **** impossible à bloquer

    Oui, vous ne devez mettre qu'un seul *. Si vous en mettez plus, cela pourrait fonctionner aussi, mais nous ne l'avons pas testé. Vérifier si un * est correct ? Tout fonctionne-t-il correctement ?
  18. admin

    Vague de 06 82 24 **** impossible à bloquer

    Bonjour, Oui, vous pouvez bloquer d'autres séries de numéros via la liste noire locale et vous pouvez y utiliser des jokers. Vérifiez que vous avez tout fait correctement : 1. Activez l'option Utiliser les jokers dans les paramètres (Paramètres avancés). 2. Ajoutez à la liste noire des...
  19. admin

    Time-sensitive blocks

    Hello @artfuldodger128 , I have forwarded your request to the developers. They will discuss it with the team early next year and I will get back to you with an answer
  20. admin

    (beta) Callfilter.app anonymous edition

    Callfilter.app was originally designed to work anonymously. The app does not ask for a phone number or email and does not use any user or phone IDs. Each time you install the app, a new ID is generated, completely unique and not associated with anything. Despite all of the above, Callfilter.app...